Ilha dos Desafios Wiki

A seguir, biografias de Ilha dos Desafios: Totalmente Interativo! listadas de todos os competidores de Ilha dos Desafios.




Beth's biography picture.

  • Nome: Beth
  • Gostos: Berthona, sua grande porca de estimação
  • Desgostos: Timidez dos meninos
  • Conhecida por: Fazer papel de trouxa na frente da escola inteira
  • Por que IDD?: Para finalmente conhecer garotos que gostam de animais de sítio o tanto quanto ela gosta.

Nascida e criada em um sítio, Beth é uma menina doce que ama sua mãe e seu pai e eles a amam ainda mais. Ela quer que todos a amem também. Basta perguntar aos alunos da escola dela. Em um esforço para fazer amigos, Beth constantemente faz papel de trouxa na frente de toda a escola, mas é completamente alheia ao que está fazendo de errado. O problema é que Beth sabe como se relacionar com vacas e galinhas, mas não sabe como socializar com humanos. Não ajuda que sua irmã mais próxima seja Berthona (uma leitoa que ela criou desde filhote). Berthona tem muitos amigos no celeiro, então Beth tenta imitar as habilidades sociais de Bertha, mas suas tentativas nem sempre são vitoriosas no mundo humano. Onde Beth se destaca é nas Artes. Ela está explodindo de criatividade. Ela recebeu o prêmio Óscar Artístico do Ano por sua réplica em escala real da Esfinge, feita de cola, macarrão rigatoni e feltro. Quando Beth não está socializando ou criando, ela está apaixonada por alguém. Os garotos da escola geralmente sabem que ela gosta deles porque ela os segue como um cachorrinho órfão e os faz pôsteres com fotos de unicórnios correndo pela praia caseiros em todos os Dias dos Namorados. Eles tentam dizer a ela que não estão interessados, mas isso não impede a danadinha. Ela apenas acha que eles estão sendo tímidos.



Bridgette's biography picture.

  • Nome: Bridgette
  • Gostos: Pegar umas ondas em sua prancha de surfe
  • Desgostos: Pessoas que não se importam com a Mãe Natureza
  • Conhecida por: Seu senso de humor e criatividade
  • Por que IDD?: Para espalhar a mensagem de amor cósmico e do surfe em pé

Bridgette cresceu em uma pequena cidade da costa oeste do Canadá. Ela estava surfando antes que ela pudesse andar e, quando ela começou a andar, os outros surfistas não podem deixar de notar ela. Ela pode ser tão bonita quanto uma margarida, mas ela só é coordenada nas ondas. Em terra, ela é meio desajeitada. Ela foi responsável por mais do que algumas tragédias em sua equipe de surfe (e todas aconteceram em terra!). Felizmente ela também tem um toque de cura. Os atributos mais fortes de Bridgette são seu senso de humor e sua criatividade. Ela é uma garota bastante descontraída, que segue o fluxo, cuja melhor amiga é sua mãe. Ambas amam flores, cristais e tudo o mais que faz parte da bela generosidade da Mãe Natureza. A mãe de Bridgette está orgulhosa dela não apenas porque ela é uma pessoa generosa, mas também está no quadro de honra da escola. Bridgette se inscreveu na Ilha dos Desafios porque ela sempre tenta se abrir para novas oportunidades. Ela já praticou surfe em pipa na costa do Peru, ajudou a construir casas em um país do terceiro mundo e passou um verão fazendo tapetes em um mosteiro no Nepal. O objetivo de Bridgette é manter a vibração fluindo bem. É por isso que ela é voluntária no santuário animal local. Todos lá a amam e realmente acreditam que ela não apenas entende os animais, mas também pode se comunicar com eles. Ela é conhecida como a "encantadora de periquitos". Bridgette espera que seu tempo na Ilha dos Desafios espalhe a mensagem do surfe em pé e do amor cósmico para um público maior.



Cody's biography picture.

  • Nome: Cody
  • Gostos: Bugigangas tecnológicas nerds.
  • Desgostos: Um índice hipoglicêmico desequilibrado em sua dieta.
  • Conhecido por: Pensar que ele é um dos caras maneiros.
  • Por que IDD?: Só assim ele pode "dar um rolê" com os caras maneiros.

Cody é um filho único de um bairro nobre que foi mimado a vida toda. Embora sua ampla mesada facilmente compre todos os acessórios de definição de tendências, bugigangas tecnológicas e acessórios-adolescentes necessários para estar na "vanguarda da moda", ele não pode comprar a personalidade necessária para apoiá-lo. Apesar de passar a maior parte de seu tempo no shopping local (já que é o melhor lugar para estudar as pessoas do meio "maneiro") nada disso ajudou sua causa. Infelizmente, Cody não sabe nada disso. Ele se considera o garoto mais maneiro de todos os bairros (palavras dele). Em sua escola preparatória, Escola da Crosta Elevada, ele é considerado muito maneiro (mas isso é apenas em um grupo seleto de meninos que pertencem ao Fã Clube do Albert Einstein - ou seja, todos mais nerds que Cody). Então, enquanto ele se gaba de conhecer o "código maneiro" (ele não conhece) e dedicou toda a sua vida a estudá-lo e dominá-lo (é só uma fase) e fazer sucesso com a mulherada (tudo mentira e nenhuma verdade), seus verdadeiros pontos fortes estão em matemática e ciências, que não é exatamente o seu conjunto de habilidades típico de "cara maneiro". Cody está confiante de que pode "dar um rolê" com os caras maneiros da Ilha dos Desafios (palavras dele, obviamente!). Sua única preocupação: se o refeitório fornecerá os quatro grupos alimentares essenciais. Só por segurança, ele está trazendo um atestado médico, porque é difícil ser maneiro enquanto você se preocupa com o índice de hipoglicemia em sua dieta.



Courtney's biography picture.

  • Nome: Courtney
  • Gostos: Vitória e competição
  • Desgostos: Não vencer
  • Conhecida por: Ser respeitosa com todo mundo, especialmente se eles forem um degrau em sua escada do sucesso
  • Por que IDD?: É o paralelepípedo perfeito em sua calçada da grandeza

Courtney está muito animada por fazer parte da Ilha dos Desafios. Ela acha que é o trampolim perfeito em seu caminho para a grandeza. Ela é uma grande fã de competição. Ela já é uma autora publicada, tendo escrito o premiado livro Triunfo Total para Tontos. Courtney tem imenso respeito por qualquer autoridade; pais, professores, o guarda de trânsito local. Em troca, todos acham que ela é uma garota muito doce. Ela nunca faz caretas depois de um resultado. Courtney também se orgulha de polidez e cortesia, porque você nunca saberá quem você encontrará em sua escada para o sucesso, e Courtney planeja chegar ao topo! Embora ela sinta fortemente que precisamos de regras na sociedade para que tudo corra bem, ela também acredita que você precisa quebrar as regras para fazer as coisas (ou vencer). A teoria é mais evidente de que seu quarto está coberto de troféus, fitas e placas. Ela nunca perdeu nada em sua vida. Seu lema é "Se você não pode entrar em primeiro, não entre de jeito nenhum". É por isso que ela se juntou à Ilha dos Desafios, ela sente que é uma versão menor do mundo. Se ela pode vencer lá, isso prova que ela pode vencer na vida, o que ela já venceu, então ela definitivamente vencerá lá - mas ainda assim ela gostaria de US $ 100.000 para provar isso. Quando perguntada se ela espera conhecer novos amigos como parte da experiência, Courtney disse que já tem amigos suficientes.



DJ's biography picture.

  • Nome: DJ
  • Gostos: Curtir e ser curtido por sua Mamãe
  • Desgostos: Parecer muito áspero.
  • Conhecido por: Bancar o Capitão Sensitivo.
  • Por que IDD?: Assim ele pode usar o prêmio para ajudar sua Mamãe a voltar para a Jamaica.

DJ se mudou da Jamaica quando tinha quatro anos, mas ainda tem muito da ilha nele. A mais proeminente é a sua fria ilha-titude. Ele pode ser enorme, mas não quer machucar ninguém. Contanto que você não diga nada sobre a mamãe dele - nesse caso ele perderá sua gentileza bem rápido. A única coisa que este canadense nascido na Jamaica ama tanto quanto sua mãe é um bom molho picante e sua dança. DJ adora clave. Ele pode ser um garotão, mas este banca como o Capitão Sensitivo. Seu treinador de futebol gostaria de ter mais do Olho do Tigre, já que seu amor interior pode realmente atrapalhar a competição, mas esse não é o estilo de DJ. Ele prefere curtir e ser curtido. DJ nunca teve planos de estar na TV também, mas quando os produtores da Ilha dos Desafios o viram empurrando uma fileira de oitenta carrinhos de compras pelo estacionamento em seu estágio, eles TINHAM que ter esse jovem gigante em seu programa. Agora que ele está a bordo, DJ quer ganhar o prêmio em dinheiro para que ele possa cumprir o desejo de sua mãe e voltar para casa na Jamaica. DJ é um bom filho. Ele também é um bom amigo e o tipo de cara que você quer no seu time.



Duncan's biography picture.

  • Nome: Duncan
  • Gostos: Fazer confusão.
  • Desgostos: Acabar na delegacia policial.
  • Conhecido por: Estar do lado oposto da lei de todos os policiais de sua família.
  • Por que IDD?: Para conter seu tédio e evitar o Centro de Detenção.

Duncan vem de uma longa linhagem de policiais. O pai dele é policial. A mãe dele é policial. Seu tio, tia, avó e primos são policiais. Como eles, Duncan passa muito tempo em delegacias. O problema é que Duncan se sente mais confortável no 'lado oposto da lei', então suas visitas à delegacia geralmente incluem uma cela de prisão e um agente de condicional. Duncan está se metendo em problemas desde que ele pode colocar as mãos em qualquer coisa que não seja dele. Ele passava de escola em escola, acumulando suspensões e expulsões - e isso tudo foi no maternal! Sim, Duncan é um cliente difícil. Ele também tem esperteza nas ruas e não tem medo de usá-la. Embora os diretores não compartilhem sua filosofia de que invadir a sala dos professores da escola no meio da noite para adulterar seu boletim é uma maneira inovadora de melhorar sua média de notas, Duncan acha que isso ilustrou habilidades empreendedoras. Apesar de sua natureza arrogante, os assistentes sociais que aconselharam Duncan lhe dirão que, sob toda essa bravura, existe um jovem mal orientado com um coração grande e pegajoso. Quando Duncan não está preso ou na nomeação de um agente de condicional, ele procura maneiras de conter seu tédio - como se inscrever para a Ilha dos Desafios. Duncan imaginou que não poderia ser muito pior do que 'o pátio' do Centro de Detenção e, quem sabe, poderia ser divertido mexer com algumas consciências. Não é como se ele estivesse fazendo outra coisa neste verão.



Eva's biography picture.

  • Nome: Eva
  • Gostos: Chute-boxe.
  • Desgostos: Duas-caras, ambiciosos, traidores, trapaceiros e mentirosos.
  • Conhecida por: Engolir uma rede de gol quando o outro time trapaceou.
  • Por que IDD?: Para demonstrar suas habilidades de liderança e controlar seu temperamento.

Eva mudou-se de uma pequena aldeia na Europa quando tinha apenas sete anos. As crianças locais estavam ansiosas para conhecer a "nova garota", mas nunca tiveram chance. Eva pratica chute-boxe desde os três anos. Ela detém o recorde mundial de chute circular mais alto de salto desde os cinco anos. Ela também fez acrobacias para alguns filmes de ação, incluindo Agente Adolescente e Volverine Jovem. Embora seu trabalho de dublê a mantenha ocupada, os pais de Eva garantem que ela ainda tenha tempo para a escola. Ela trabalha duro em tudo que faz, mas admite que às vezes seu temperamento atrapalha. Ela não tem tempo para duas-caras, ambiciosos, traidores, trapaceiros e mentirosos! Se ela encontrar um, você sabe que ela vai dar uma boa lição neles. Sua professora de ginástica se lembra de uma vez em que Eva (sua Jogadora Destaque do time de hóquei em campo) pegou o outro time trapaceando durante os treinos. Até então, ele nunca tinha visto uma pessoa esmagar um disco com as próprias mãos e engolir a rede do gol. É muito ruim, porque ele acha que Eva seria uma boa líder se ela pudesse controlar esse temperamento dela. O que é irônico porque seu objetivo é ser líder um dia. Seus heróis são Cleópatra, Catarina, a Grande e o mangusto de patas negras. Eva se juntou à Ilha dos Desafios porque ela acha que é a oportunidade perfeita para demonstrar suas habilidades de liderança e controlar seu temperamento - e se alguém não pensa assim, então talvez eles gostariam de passar por aqui e mudarem seu ponto de vista!



Ezekiel's biography picture.

  • Nome: Ezekiel
  • Gostos: Educação em casa.
  • Desgostos: Ar fresco.
  • Conhecido por: Não ser hábil em "giriês"
  • Por que IDD?: Orientações médicas.

Ezekiel está realmente MUITO animado por estar na Ilha dos Desafios. Ele geralmente não tem a chance de sair com meninos reais e vivos. (Ele está acostumado com os 3D que vê na TV). Isso porque seus pais (ambos professores de Economia Doméstica) acham que é melhor para seu filho... "ser exposto aos melhores tipos de pessoas e receber o mais alto padrão de educação". É por isso que Ezequiel é educado em casa. A única razão pela qual os pais de Ezekiel o inscreveram na Ilha dos Desafios é porque o médico da família estava preocupado com sua falta de vitamina D, então eles foram instruídos a tirá-lo de casa e colocá-lo no ar fresco. Agora ele tem que aprender a estar perto de outras pessoas pela primeira vez em sua vida. Ele está ansioso por este experimento (uma experiência com uma cobaia socialmente inútil). A última vez que Ezequiel esteve em público foi quando competiu no Concurso Soletrando Nacional. Ele perguntou à terceira colocada se ela pesava "o suficiente" e disse ao segundo colocado que ele seria bonito se não fosse tão idiota. Ambos os vice-campeões o xingaram em diferentes idiomas. Ezequiel sabe porque ele fala 8 idiomas. A única que ele não domina é 'giriês', o que explica por que ele se gabava para os vice-campeões de que eles estavam apenas com inveja porque ele ganhou o Soletrando e 'beijou' seus pés, o que deu a Ezequiel o maior 'pontapé' de sua carreira. vida. Embora Ezekiel possa se destacar em todas as disciplinas do ensino em casa, só o tempo dirá se ele pode lidar com o currículo da 'Escola dos Olhares Duros' da Ilha dos Desafios.



Geoff's biography picture.

  • Nome: Geoff
  • Gostos: Festejar. FESTEJAR MUITO!
  • Desgostos: Quando pessoas são depressivas.
  • Conhecido Por: Montar as melhores festas do mundo.
  • Por Que IDD?: Tem todas as suas coisas favoritas: pessoas, acampamentos e festas!

Geoff cresceu em uma cidade festeira na costa oeste. Férias de primavera, fins de semana prolongados, verão - as pessoas vinham de todos os lugares para festejar em sua cidade. Por causa disso, Geoff aprendeu, de forma bem precoce, como realmente festejar. PAPO RETO. Ele é o mais velho de cinco irmãos, então ele sente que é seu dever mostrar a eles como festejar da maneira certa. Graças a seus pais boêmios (que conheceram, se casaram e conceberam Geoff em uma praia), Geoff tem DNA de festa em seu sangue. Na escola, ele é amigo de todos. Ele é o zagueiro do time de futebol do ensino médio e depois que eles venceram os playoffs da temporada passada, o vestiário teve que ser reconstruído do zero após um festival de três dias de festa. O objetivo de Geoff é tirar um pouco da vida e mastigá-lo até que não reste nada além de sementes que ele possa espalhar ao vento para iniciar todo o ciclo de vida da festa novamente. Seu plano final é ser um organizador de festas. Ele acha que seria o trabalho mais INCRÍVEL de todos os tempos. Ele não pode nem imaginar o quanto isso seria divertido - e ele iria arrasar nisso também. Ele só quer que todos se deem bem e relaxem. Embora ele geralmente ande com a galera legal, ele não é esnobe. Geoff vai festejar com qualquer pessoa interessada em festejar. Ele gosta de todos pelo que quer que eles possam trazer para a mesa (ou festa). Geoff gosta de passar o tempo na praia, acampar ou em qualquer outro lugar onde uma festa possa ser feita. É por isso que Geoff fez o teste para Total Drama Island, porque basicamente inclui todas as suas coisas favoritas... pessoas, camping e festas.



Gwen's biography picture.

  • Name: Gwen
  • Likes: Spending time alone with her sketch pad
  • Dislikes: Following trends
  • Known For: Putting beef bouillon cubes in the Community Pool
  • Why TDI?: The money would sure make life easier for her Mom

The daughter of a single mom, Gwen was a latch-key kid who grew up taking care of her kid brother. That's cool with Gwen, because she likes helping out her Mom, and has tons of fun with her brother, too. Like the time they put a bunch of beef bouillon cubes into the Community Pool. (At least the neighbourhood dogs were happy!)

The only other thing that Gwen is passionate about is her art. She can lose herself in her sketch pad for hours and her favorite hobby is going downtown on the weekends and people watch. She's been told she's talented and hopes to make a career out of it one day. Gwen's the loner of her school, by choice. She doesn't need to hang out with a bunch of dorks just to feel better about herself and the last thing she'd do is follow a trend. Maybe a Trent... but never a trend. (wink wink!)

In fact, she wishes she never auditioned for Total Drama Island in the first place. She did it on a dare (to humour her brother) because she never thought they'd pick her. But now that she's been cast she figures she might as well make the most of it. Her plan is to play this thing out to the end just to prove what morons they really are.

Besides, if she wins the $100,000 it would sure make life easier for her Mom. Gwen may seem tough as nails on the outside, but when it comes to her family, she's as soft as... well, a marshmallow!



Harold's biography picture.

  • Name: Harold
  • Likes: Medieval Fantasy Literature.
  • Dislikes: Gummi-Slugs.
  • Known for: Having the most badges of any kid at Possum Scouts.
  • Why TDI?: To test out his intense scout training.

Told that he'd never walk again due to a bad allergic reaction to Gummi-Slugs, Harold's a survivor. (He has no problem with other Gummi products). He has earned the most badges of any hid at Possum Scouts. That includes one for fire-building and troll-wrestling (okay, he made that one up). He has an older brother and a kid sister and both of them think he's kind of weird. He's okay with that. He thinks being weird is a badge of honor - actually he embroidered his own badge for 'weirdness'. At least he's not some lemming like everybody else. His classmates call him dorky, but he's confident that won't be the case on Total Drama Island. Hidden in that bike rack he calls a body, he's got some unexpected wicked skills that will come in very handy in the woods. His love of medieval fantasy literature and intense scout training makes him the guy to have on your team. Harold believes in believing in yourself - no matter what people say about you, or what they're throwing at you, you've got to stay strong. His big brother calls him an over-exaggerating melodramatic fret-bucket - but that's HIS opinion. Although there was that one time he stubbed his toe and waited in the Emergency Room for 13 hours until a doctor finally told him that he wouldn't have to amputate. Since he is pure of heart and strong of will, this noble warrior will go far (he has to, because he's already embroidered a badge that says so).



Heather's biography picture.

  • Name: Heather
  • Likes: Talking about how great she is.
  • Dislikes: Her evil little brother.
  • Known For: Being in any club at school that will put her in the spotlight.
  • Why TDI?: Practice for her long-term goals of ruling Europe.

Heather has it all - looks, brains, talent - she could go on and on, but why talk about something that is so obvious! Heather likes to keep busy with extra curricular activities. (Read: Be the center of attention and hog the spotlight.) She's School President (after several ballot boxes for her opponents mysteriously ended up in the boys urinals). She's Head Cheerleader (but only attends rallies where the Year Book Photographer is present). She's Head of the Year Book Committee (to ensure that "said photographer" includes only her best shots, and also to ban photos of anyone she hates). She's President of the Debate Team, (because she loves to argue) but will only debate issues of personal interest (i.e. did you see Susie's new haircut? Can everyone say: "80's perm-gone-wrong?") Heather is a winner at everything and can do anything she sets her mind to because she doesn't have to worry about pesky things like morals, ethics or scruples getting in the way. Her credo is "Why put off until tomorrow what someone else can do for you today." The only place Heather is out-ranked is at home. She has an evil younger brother, Damien, who enjoys torturing Heather by booby-trapping her room and putting glue in her hair conditioner. Heather would be mortified if the audience discovered her deep dark secret, but Total Drama Island has heard from reliable sources (her brother) that she used to be a fat, brace-faced, pimply, style-challenged junior high reject; something she overcompensates for now with a mean veneer and lots of makeup. Heather hopes that her experience on Total Drama Island will open more doors for her so she can eventually attain her long-term goal of ruling Europe.



Izzy's biography picture.

  • Name: Izzy
  • Likes: Burning Things.
  • Dislikes: Being rejected by guys that she is stalking.
  • Known for: Howling at the full moon.
  • Why TDI?: Willing to do whatever it takes to win, even camp out on the producer's doorstep.

Izzy has been described by those who know her as a "wingnut," a "psycho hosebeast," and "some kind of crazy." For as long as she can remember, she's been a big fan of "the witching hour." Her parents once awoke at midnight to find year year old Izzy shaking the bars of her crib and howling at the full moon. They soothed her back to sleep with her favourite lullabies - horror movie soundtracks; the only music that relaxes her. Being around Izzy is like being on a roller coaster - one that hasn't been inspected for safety. Some of her favorite pastimes include impersonating her parents friends, burning things and making up stuff that scares the crap out of people. There's no rhyme or reason to what Izzy does. For instance, a guy from her school remembers when Izzy stalked him for a whole week because she had a major crush on him. He also remembers how a week later she changed her mind and threw him in a sewer. When Izzy heard about the Total Drama Island auditions, she camped outside a producer's front door for three weeks until he agreed to cast her on the show. She now has a restraining order against her and she can't come within two miles of his house. Izzy is willing to do whatever it takes to survive eight weeks of camp and is definitely one to watch. She'll definitely make the highlight reel!



Justin's biography picture.

  • Name: Justin
  • Likes: Gorgeous things.
  • Dislikes: Non-gorgeous things.
  • Known For: His washboard abs.
  • Why TDI?: So he can donate his winnings to the Unattractive-Looking People Wish Foundation.

From the moment Justin was born, he was a vision of loveliness. He was a test tube baby and his mother paid handsomely for that test tube. Justin has always been a looker. As a child, old ladies lined up to pinch those magnificent cheeks. This led to him becoming a successful child model and he hasn't stopped working since. His fifth grade teacher had to send him to the principal's office just so the rest of the class could get some work done. His only crime was looking so darn good. Justin's bone structure is currently being studied by the Italian branch of the Center for the Analysis of Breathtaking Features. He's a straight-A student, but there is a doubt to whether he earned a single one of those grades. Truly, Justin is more than a pretty face. He also has washboard abs. No, seriously, Justin is a good guy and volunteers at a retirement home. Those old ladies still try to pinch his cheeks. People just feel compelled to give Justin stuff for free so he doesn't have to work for a living like other mortals. For this reason, Justin will donate his winnings to his favourite charity, the Unattractive Looking People Wish Foundation. No one knows why he auditioned for Total Drama Island and no one really cares...they are just soooo glad he did.



Katie's biography picture.

  • Name: Katie
  • Likes: Her BFF Sadie.
  • Dislikes: Being away from Sadie.
  • Known For: Sewing outfits from scratch.
  • Why TDI?: To become closer friends with Sadie.

Katie was raised in the small town of Twig Harbour - see Sadie's bio. Actually, if you want to know anything about Katie, just see Sadie's bio. They know absolutely everything about each other. And why not? They're practically the same person. Katie thinks the experience on Total Drama Island is going to be great for both of them. It'll really bring them closer together as friends, although it's hard to imagine how that's humanly possible since they already do EVERYTHING together. They even have the same summer job. Every summer they make their own ice cream and sell it at the pier. Their most popular flavour is Spumindi Lauper. (That's because Katie - just like Sadie - has a ginormous passion for all things 80s!) It was actually Sadie's idea to start their own business. While Katie thinks with her heart, Sadie thinks with her head. Together, they complete each other. If Katie starts a sentence, Sadie is sure to finish. They love all the same things, including each other. Katie loves to sew and makes all of their outfits from scratch (that's right, she sews Sadie's clothes too - duh! how else could they match?) Katie and her best pal Sadie love to stay positive and are too busy being creative to let anything bother them. And thank goodness, because if it did, their sweet little hearts couldn't take it.



Leshawna's biography picture.

  • Name: Leshawna
  • Likes: Rolling with her girlfriends.
  • Dislikes: Anyone who throws her attitude.
  • Known For: Volunteering three times a week at the Community Centre.
  • Why TDI?: To show that anyone can win if they give it their all.

Leshawna is one bootyliscious shortie! She is large and in charge and everyone else might as well pack it up and go home "cause she came to win." She is as street smart as they come but put her in the woods and the girl is like a fish out of the water. Back home she can often be found strutting the halls at her school, rolling with her girlfriends and giving anyone who throws attitude her way all kinds of trouble. While most know better than to be gettin' all up in her bizness, there's always some clown who didn't get the memo. What Leshawna lacks in social graces, she more than makes up for in community service. She's a natural born leader, so she's always on the look out for troubled teens, which is why she volunteers three times a week at The Community Centre. To them, Leshawna's like a big sister. It's a role she enjoys since she wants to make sure they stay out of trouble and off the streets. And like her highschool homies, her surrogate siblings learned pretty quick that they can't pull one over on their Big Sistah! When one of them used her do-rag-as-a-dish-rag, Leshawna taught him the valuable lesson of how to check himself before he wrecked himself. But underneath all that attitude lurks a heart of gold, which is why Leshawna auditioned for Total Drama Island. She wanted to be a role model for kinds on the street and show that anyone can win if they give it their all. Trouble is, there ain't no street in the wilderness - just lots of trees and tons of mosquitoes. But Leshawna is excited to see how she'll go from "the hood" to "the wood"...and hey, now that she's here, she's here to win, y'all! Leshawna would just like to say that she represents and she's not ABOUT to go home early.



Lindsay's biography picture.

  • Name: Lindsay
  • Likes: Primping, preening, plucking and posing in any nearby mirror.
  • Dislikes: Yucky things like work, dirt, or working in dirt.
  • Known For: Being MVP of the gymnastic team.
  • Why TDI?: So her gorgeousness could be shared with millions of people on TV.

Lindsay is proof that life is easier when you're drop dead gorgeous, but to be fair, mother nature balanced things by making her as sharp as a frosted cupcake. She's also a Daddy's girl and Daddy makes a lot of money. When he's not spending time taking care of his vintage Ferrari, he lavishes his "little chipmunk" with whatever her heart desires. Lindsay's Sweet Sixteen party cost more than your house. Lindsay doesn't have much in the way of plans for her future. She just wants to spend all of her waking hours prettying herself up for any cute guy who's willing to give her all of his attention. Her hobbies include primping, preening, plucking and posing in any nearby mirror to make sure she's still stunning. Lindsay also loves to chat on the phone, on-line or two whoever will listen. Generally speaking, anything that isn't too demanding for her brain. Lindsay is surprisingly athletic - MVP on her high school gymnastic teams (and she looks sooo cute in the outfit!). Her team-mates have to admit that Lindsay's not just pretty - she's pretty nice too (like a can of soda, sugary sweet and effervescent). Because of this, her mother fears Lindsay will be taken advantage of by "stronger" personalities. Usually Lindsay doesn't like things like "work," or "dirt," or "working in the dirt," but when she found out about the auditions for Total Drama Island she couldn't resist being on TV so that her gorgeousness could be shared with millions of people. If nothing else, Lindsay is generous.



Noah's biography picture.

  • Name: Noah
  • Likes: Sitting down, lying down, and occasionally leaning.
  • Dislikes: Physical activity.
  • Known For: Being a freakish child genius.
  • Why TDI?: To apply skills from fantasyland survival video games to the real world.

Ever since Noah was in diapers and examining the nutritional content of his pablum ingredients, his parents knew they had a child genius in their midst. Noah is a child prodigy with IQ readings off the charts, but the only numbers Noah is proud of are the high scores of his video game competitions. He's the only one in his Underground Alliance who knows how to get to the Secret twelfh Level of Dragon Assassin. His heroes are Newton, Pythagoras, and Kranthor from the game Kosmic Kaos. With his multiweaponed-fantasyland survival skills, he auditioned to Total Drama Island in hopes to apply those skills to the real world. While he's not remotely coordinated or athletic, Noah is clever enough to come up with remarkable theories of why he should sit this one out, should he be asked to participate in anything that involves more than mental acuity. He learned that one in gym class. He may have an active mind, but he sure likes to sit. He includes that as one of his favorite hobbies, along with lying down and occasionally leaning. He knows he'll take a lot of heat for being the egghead nerd of the group, so he intends to beat them to the punch by unleashing an arsenal of sarcastic digs and put downs. He's got a sharp mind and plans on doing a lot of cutting. Being the runt of a nine-sibling litter, Noah has found a way to use brains over brawn with clever manipulation. He never got picked on in the schoolyard because he knew how to draft some lunkhead into smashing somebody's face if they got too close.



Owen's biography picture.

  • Name: Owen
  • Likes: His own smells.
  • Dislikes: When the gravy runs out at dinner.
  • Known For: Being the-guy-who-will-do-anything-on-a-dare-especially-if-his-reward-is-all-you-can-eat-pancakes.
  • Why TDI?: Summer camp is the funnest place in the whole entire world!!!!

Owen's one big lovable tub of fun. He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he has more optimism than an arena full of Maple Leafs fans during the play-offs. Being the youngest of three boys really takes the pressure off of Owen having to do anything with his life. And since he's "the baby" of the family, his parents let him do whatever he wants - which isn't usually much. Unless scratching yourself and eating things that make crunchy sounds count. In that case Owen's an over-achiever. If there's one thing that Owen likes more than anything else, it's his own smells and sounds. He really gets fired up about the things that come out of his own body. (Let's just say it's safest to keep him away from open flames after a bean chilli cookout.) As a child, he once shoved his head into a fish bowl just to see if it would fit and got stuck. (He did it again last week to see if the same thing would happen. It did.) Regardless of his faults (and there are many) Owen's got a lot of heart. He doesn't care who you are, if you like to party he'll be your best bud. Owen's friends know him as "The-guy-who-will-do-anything-on-a-dare-especially-if-his-reward-is-all-you-can-eat-pancakes." This comes in handy for anyone who needs their dirty work done for them. In fact, he's proud to say he has a brown belt in Judo. (It's actually yellow, but he spilled some gravy on it.) Owen auditioned for Total Drama Island because summer camp is just about the funnest place in the whole wide world - there's babes in bikinis, free food three times a day and your farts can echo right across the lake! Awesome!



Sadie's biography picture.

  • Name: Sadie
  • Likes: Her BFF Katie.
  • Dislikes: Being separated from Katie.
  • Known For: Not doing anything without Katie.
  • Why TDI?: To become closer friends with Katie.

Sadie can't believe she was selected for Total Drama Island. She's never been a part of anything cool - ever! Raised in the small town of Twig Harbour, Sadie's never done anything too exciting either. The only thing that Sadie gets totally excited about is hanging out with Katie, her best friend in the whole world (wait... make that the whole wide universe!) From the moment they met as next-door neighbours, it was friend-crush at first sight and they've been inseparable ever since. Sadie's room is filled with pictures of her and Katie, and every picture has oodles of little hearts drawn around them, because that's how much she loves her! So when Sadie heard that Katie wanted to audition for Total Drama Island, Sadie wanted to audition with her. There was no way she was going to miss out on something that her best friend (wait... make that BFF! BFF in the whole in the whole wide universe, squared!), was going to be a part of. Because if Katie got picked she'd be gone all summer and there was no way Sadie could have survived that long without her! It would be like losing a leg. (No, that's not it- you can live without a leg.) It would be like losing her heart. (Awww... that's so cute, she loves hearts). So now Sadie can't wait to start their adventure! This going to be the bestest summer ever, with her bestest friend, in the bestest universe, ever!



Trent's biography picture.

  • Name: Trent
  • Likes: Riding his new motorcycle.
  • Dislikes: His dad telling him to become an accountant.
  • Known For: Being a cool guy.
  • Why TDI?: It sounded like a good way to spend the summer

Trent is proud to say that he just got his motorcycle license. He loves to ride and can't wait to buy his own set of wheels so he can convert it to a chopper- just as soon as he gets his hands on some "scratch." Eventually, Trent's goal is to have his own bike shop where he can build super-cool choppers that are world renowned. Trent has never gone out of his way to "get" people to like him. He'd just rather chill and get a good view of everything going on in the world. He's a straight shooter who tells it like it is. He would never say he's the "cool guy." Trent is the kind of guy who gets girls and has the other guys admiring him. He's just too likable to hate. His guitar and skateboard skills seal his status as one cool compadre. In his junior high graduating class he was voted as "Most Mysterious and Irresistible." (It was later discovered that the Voting Committee was comprised completely of girls, all of whom dated Trent.) Despite his good looks and easy going matter, Trent is smarter than he's given credit for. Though his grades don't reflect it, his IQ is well above anyone's expectations, including his own. His Dad wished he would follow in his footsteps and become an accountant, to which Trent has four words... NOT - IN - THIS - LIFETIME! Trent auditioned for Total Drama Island because it sounded like a cool way to spend the summer...and $100,000 would make a nice down payment for that dream chopper.



Tyler's biography picture.

  • Name: Tyler
  • Likes: Anything that involves throwing, catching, hitting or bouncing.
  • Dislikes: Admitting that he stinks at sports.
  • Known For: Always being outfitted in the latest top-of-the-line logos.
  • Why TDI?: For the wild challenges to test his skills.

Tyler loves sports. He considers himself a pro-level player in hockey, football, basketball, tennis, gold, cricket, handball, shuffleboard, badminton, bocce ball, horseshoes, thumb wrestling and a few more he couldn't think off off hand. Unfortunately, his many coaches have different opinions of his skill level. Tyler loves anything that involves throwing, catching, hitting, bouncing or a combo of all the above. His gym teacher consistently gives Tyler an E for effort, but always keeps the First Aid Kit handy. He thinks that Tyler has a lot of enthusiasm and drive, but that talent and coordination are not his strong points. Tyler is competitive, but prides himself on his friendliness, too. When he's not throwing a ball back and forth, he can be found hanging out with his many friends. Tyler is stoked to be a part of Total Drama Island. He loves the fact that there will be a variety of wild challenges to test his skills, so he's psyched! While he may never be a real pro, he always looks the part. Thanks to his rich and famous sportscaster Dad, (who is totally hooked up with all the major sponsors), Tyler is always outfitted in top-of-the-line logos. Tyler's Dad is proud that his boy made it onto the show and expects him to WIN! WIN! WIN! Tyler is under a lot of pressure, but isn't worried. He feels he'll do okay. If nothing else, he'll look swank in those track suits.


  • On Sadie's biography in the "Why TDI?" section, it says "To become closer friends with Sadie." It should actually say "To become closer friends with Katie."
    • Additionally, the word "bestest," is used in Sadie's biography, despite it not being a legitimate word.
  • On Beth's biography, one of her lines is directly under the other.
  • On Duncan's biography, customer is misspelled as "costumer".
  • On Harold's biography, in the "Dislikes" section, the first letter isn't capitalized.
  • On Izzy's biography, in the part that says that she camped out on the producer's front doorstep, it uses both of the pronouns "his" and "she."
  • On Justin's biography, unattractive is spelled with one "t" in the middle ("unatractive").
  • On Owen's biography, the word "funnest" is used, despite it not being a legitimate word.